Core Functions
Banking and Payment Systems Department

This department is made up of the following Units:
- Payments Systems
The Payment Systems Unit is responsible for providing banking services to Government and commercial banks. The Departmentt is also responsible for ensuring that the payment and settlement systems are safe and efficient.
Open Market Operations
The Open Market Operations Unit plans and executes open market operations in line with the policy stance of the Bank. Their operational contact with money market participants enables them to contribute to the monetary policy formulation process in the Bank as well as contribute to the development of a money market. They manage the issue and redemption of the domestic debt of The Gambia.
Economic Research Department
Economic Research Department.This Department is made up of the following Units:
- Money, Credit, and Banking;
- Balance of Payments;
- Liquidity Forecasting and Public Finance;
- Statistics;
- Real Sector and Non-Bank Finance; and
- Library.
The Economic Research Department (ERD) is responsible for providing the Bank with the economic analysis necessary to conduct monetary policy. Staff of the ERD perform research on developments in the Gambian and international economies and produce the quarterly Bulletins and Annual Reports. Staff of the Department also play a key role in the Bank's relationship with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), West African Monetary Institute (WAMI), and West African Monetary Agency (WAMA). The Department provides reports for Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) meetings, in addition to conducting special studies for the Governor and the Board. The Statistics Unit compiles the monetary and other financial statistics data.
Finance Department

This Department is made up of the following units:
- Treasury;
- Budget and Finance; and
- Verification and Implementation.
The Department is responsible for financial planning. It prepares and monitors the budget to ensure that the financial transactions are consistent with the accounting procedures. The Finance Department is also responsible for preparing the annual accounts, payroll, and foreign currency budget as well as foreign currency payments and receipts and debt service payments on behalf of the Government. Additionally, the Department provides back office services in the management of the external reserves.
Banking Supervision Department

This Department is made up of the following Unit:
- Banking Supervison Unit
The maintenance of a sound and stable financial system is one of the most important functions of the Bank and the Banking Supervision Department is charged with this responsibility. The Department conducts on-site examinations with a view to ensuring that the financial system as a whole is safe and sound. Financial stability, also a precondition for strong and sustained growth, is achieved by smartly regulating and supervising banks.
Financial Markets and Reserve Management Department

The Financial Markets and Reserve Management Department is responsible for the day-to-day management of the Bank's Foreign Currency Reserves as outlined in the Guidelines for Reserve Management. The department also monitors developments in both domestic and international foreign exchange markets, including foreign exchange rate movements and the performance of international currencies against the Dalasi. Additionally, the Financial Markets and Reserve Management Department intervenes in the FX market (buying / selling FX) to smoothen volatility in exchange rates and coordinates FX banknote shipments for deposit money banks to facilitate uninterrupted international trade. It serves as the Exchange Unit of the Capital Market.
Insurance Supervision Department

This Department is responsible for evaluating applications for insurance as well as preparing and implementing regulatory and supervisory guidelines. This is done in a manner that does not stifle innovation and competition. The Department also conducts on-site examinations to ensure that the insurance industry is safe and sound. The supervision of insurance companies was added to the mandate of the Bank by the 1997 Constitution.
Microfinance Supervision Department

This Department is made up of the following Units:
- Development Unit
- Supervision Unit
The Department performs functions similar to the Financial Supervision Department, but with a focus on the microfinance sector. Microfinance currently accounts for a small part of the Gambian financial system but has been growing rapidly.
The Development Unit formulates the institutional and operational framework and regulatory guidelines for the Microfinance Institutions (MFIs). The Unit also works with stakeholders to prepare strategic action plans for the sector.
The Supervision Unit is responsible for registration, licensing, and supervision to ensure the safety and soundness of microfinance institutions. In addition, the Unit is mandated to collect, analyze, and disseminate data relating to MFIs as well as prescribe corrective action when necessary.
Administration and General Services Department

The Administration and General Services Department provides administrative support functions related to the day-to- day management of the Bank. In addition, the Department is responsible for all procurement activities in the Bank, protocol services, and internal security of the Bank.
The Department interprets and enforces the Service Rules of the Bank as a requirement in the execution of their duties as well as make recommendations for amendments in the Rules whenever necessary.
The Department comprises of the following Units:
- Administration Unit;
- Procurement Unit;
- Archives Unit;
- Security Unit;
- Protocol Unit; and
- Services Unit.
Staff in the Administration and Genetral Services Department are expected to observe the highest standard of professional ethics to help maintain the Bank’s reputation for Probity, Integrity, Respect, and Professionalism. In addition to the code of conduct provided for in the Bank’s Service Rules, staff are also expected to observe the following:
- Justice and Fairness;
- Integrity;
- Tact and Courteousness; and
- Discretion
Human Resources Department

Financial Technology and Forex Bureau Supervision Department

Development Finance Department.

Currency Department

Support Functions
Internal Audit Department

The Internal Audit Department provides an independent appraisal of the adequacy and effectiveness of the Bank's internal control systems. The Department can delve into every aspect of the Bank's work with the aim of providing independent advice to the Board and senior management that the Bank is taking appropriate levels of risk. Although the head of the Department reports to the Governor on administrative matters, for audit, the Department reports to the Audit Committee of the Board.
Information and Communication Technology Department

The Department is responsible for the management of the Bank's information systems. It provides information technology support to the departments and coordinates the development of new information system projects. The Department is also charged with the responsibility to manage the Bank's website.
Risk Management Department

The Risk Management Department is the middle office for external reserves management purposes. It is responsible for risk identification, risk management and financial performance measurement.